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Author/Editor Title Year Edition Online Collection



Peckham, Johannes Prima Pars, (Proposito) 5: (On the analogy of eye & camera obscura) 1504   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Dürer, Albrecht Unterweisung der Messung 1525   show text Perspective

Gemma, Frisius Rainer De Solis deliquii dimensione alia 1545   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Alberti, Leon Battista Libro Secondo de la pittura. [On the velum] 1547   show text Perspective

Barbaro, Daniele Matteo Alvise [on the camera obscura as a drawing device]. In: Parte Nona, Nella quale si descriveno molti instrumenti, et modi di ponere, et trapportare le cose in perspettiva. 1569   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Barbaro, Daniele Matteo Alvise [Perspective Devices]. In: Parte Nona, Nella quale si descriveno molti instrumenti, et modi di ponere, et trapportare le cose in perspettiva 1569   show text Perspective

Ibn-al-Haitam, al-Hasan Ibn-al-Hasan/ Risner, Friedrich [Description of a Camera Obscura] 1572      

Euclides Camera Obscura. In: Idem: Theorema Prima: I raggiuisuali si riflettono ad angoli pari, tanto negli specchi piani, come anco ne'rotondi, & ne' concaui. In: Idem: Gli Specchi di Euclide; Cioè quell aparte della Prospettiua, che dimostra i varij effetti degli specchi. 1573   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Barozzi da Vignola, Jacomo La Prima Regola Della Prospettiva Pratica 1583   show text Perspective

Benedetti, Giovanni Battista [Camera Obscura Principle] 1585   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

DellaPorta, Giovanni B. Ut omnia in tenebris conspicias ... In: Idem: Io. Bapt. Portae Magiae naturalis libri XX 1589   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Kepler, Johannes Propositio VII. In: Idem: De figuratione lucis 1604      

Kepler, Johannes De modo visionis 1604      

Kepler, Johannes Super albo pariet pingere visibilia lente convexa 1611   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Scheiner, Christoph [On the eye as a camera obscura] 1619   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Accolti, Pietro Mettere in disegno di prospettiua qualunque obietto, mediante l’vso die von Instrumento (Capitolo XV). Da vn proposto disegno perspettiuo, leuato mediante il sudetto Instrumento, inuestigare, & rappresentare la sua Geometrica Pianta, & la quantita di ciascuna sua parte (Capitolo XVI) 1625   show text Perspective

Accolti, Pietro Ai giovani accademici, et pittori Discorso intorno al disegno 1625   show text General Works

Scheiner, Christoph Pantographice sev ars delineandi res qvaslibet per parallelogrammvm lineare sev cavvm, mechanicvm, mobile: Libellis duobus explicata, & Demonstrationibus Geometricis illustrata; quorum prior Epipedographicen, siue Planorum, posterior Stereographicen, seu Solidorum aspectabilium viuam imitationem atque projectionem edocet 1631   show text Miscellaneous

Bate, John The Mysteryes of Nature and Art. The Third Booke Of Drawing, Limming, Colouring, Painting, and Graving 1634   show text General Works

Schwenter, Daniel / Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp Die I. Aufgab: In einer Kammer/an einer weißen Wand die Personen welche vor selber fuerueber gehen/bey dem Sonnenschein zu repraesentirn. / Die II. Aufgab: Was die Ursach sey daß die Bildnissen umgekehrt kommen? [On the Camera Obscura]. In: Idem: Der Erquickungen fünffter Theil / darinnen XXXI Auffgaben und Fragen die Opticam oder Sehkunst betreffend 1636   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Schwenter, Daniel / Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp Der Erquickungen fünffter Theil / darinnen XXXI Auffgaben und Fragen die Opticam oder Sehkunst betreffend 1636   show text General Works

Schwenter, Daniel / Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp Die V. Aufgabe: Ein sonderliches Instrument zu dergleichen Gläser zuzurichten (Scioptric Ball). In: Idem: Der Erquickungen fünffter Theil / darinnen XXXI Auffgaben und Fragen die Opticam oder Sehkunst betreffend 1636   show text Miscellaneous

Niceron, Jean Francois Le troisiesme livre de la perspective curieuse 1638      

Kircher, Athanasius De Parastasi per specierum in obscurum locum immissionem . [On the Camera Obscura] 1646   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Leurechon, Jean [On the Camera Obscura] 1653   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Schott, Gaspar Praelusio III. Idealis, Sive De oculi similitudine, modoque introducendi species visibiles objectorum in locum obscurum per foramen exiguum 1657   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Schott, Gasper Parastasis IV-VIII [Camera Obscura Principle] 1657   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Schott, Gaspar Praelusio IV. Optica, sive De Visione, seu modo videndi 1657   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Sanderson, William [On the practice of drawing] 1658   show text Miscellaneous

Sanderson, William [On the portable camera obscura] 1658   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Sanderson, William [Of the five senses in painting] 1658      

Sanderson, William Graphice, the use of the pen and pencil or, the most excellent art of painting in two parts 1658   show text General Works

DellaPorta, Giovanni B. To see all things in the dark ... In: Idem: Natural magick. Magia naturalis libri viginti 1658   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Cardano, Geronimo [On the Camera Obscura]. In: Liber Quartus: De Luce & Lumine 1663   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Descartes, René Des Images qui se forment sur le Fond de l'Oeil. In: Idem: La Dioptrique 1668   show text General Works

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Hooke, Robert A contrivance to make the picture of anything appear on a wall, the midth of a light-room... 1668   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Sturm, Johann Christoph Quod exhibuit ipsis oculis aliquot obscurae, Camerae Phaenomena; nempè [On the Camera Obscura] 1676   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Sturm, Johann Christoph Camerae Obscurae portatilis & Laterna cujusdam, Catoptro - Dioptricae jucundusima spectacula, horuma genuinas rationes commonstrans, auctariloco Calendariographiam horariam edocens [On portable Camera Obscura] 1676   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Kohlhansen, Johann Christoph Ein optisches Auge zur finstern Kammer zu bringen. In: Idem: Anhang von etlichen neu erfundenen optischen Sachen und Raritäten, darinnen auch Fortifications Sachen vorkommen 1677   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Kohlhansen, Johann Christoph Wie ein Polemoscopium in der finstern Kammer zu gebrauchen. In: Idem: Anhang von etlichen neu erfundenen optischen Sachen und Raritäten, darinnen auch Fortifications Sachen vorkommen. 1677   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Kohlhansen, Johann Christoph In der Camera obscura eine Soldatenübung anzustellen. In: Idem: Anhang von etlichen neu erfundenen optischen Sachen und Raritäten, darinnen auch Fortifications Sachen vorkommen. 1677   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Kohlhansen, Johann Christoph In der finsteren Kammer die Objecta zu messen. In: Idem: Anhang von etlichen neu erfundenen optischen Sachen und Raritäten, darinnen auch Fortifications Sachen vorkommen. 1677   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Hoogstraeten, Samuel van Van de graeden van schaduwen en lichten (Deerde Hooftdeel) 1678   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Wotton, Henry [On Kepler's Camera Obscura] 1685 4 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Zahn, Johannes Cistulas catoptrico-parastaticas procuriosis phaenominis artificiose construere 1702   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Harris, John Camera Obscura 1704   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Hooke, Robert [On the Camera Obscura]. In: Idem: A Continuation of the former Subject of Light. Being the Lectures read in June, 1681 1705   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Hooke, Robert [On the functions of the eye]. In: Idem: A Continuation of the former Subject of Light. Being the Lectures read in June, 1681 1705   show text General Works

Dubreuil, Jean Eine sehr schoene Invention ein Perspektiv ganz natuerlich auffzureissen, ohne die Regeln zu beobachten. 1710   show text Perspective

Dubreuil, Jean Eine anderre schoene Invention perpektivisch zu reissen ohne die Regeln zu verstehen 1710   show text Perspective

Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's The Use of the Camera Obscura in Designing 1724   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Hooke, Robert An Instrument of Use to take the Draught, or Picture of any Thing. Communicated by Dr. Hook [sic] to the Royal Society Dec. 19, 1694 1726   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Leupold, Jacob Leonard Zueblers Instrument zum Grund-legen und Abreißen einer ganzen Landschaft, Feld-Laeger u. wo man bey zweyen Staenden nicht alles sehen kan. In: Idem: Von den Mensulis oder Geometrischen Meß-Tischgen 1727   show text Topography

Leupold, Jacob Von den Mensulis oder Geometrischen Meß-Tischgen 1727   show text Topography

Lairesse, Gerhard de Unterschied der Krafft in dem Groß- und Klein-mahlen, und der Vergrösserungs- und Verkleinerungs-Gläser 1727   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Boyle, Robert How to bring these Drawings to Use; and to copy from Prints, Paitings, & c. 1732   show text General Works

Boyle, Robert Rules for Drawing any Object in its Outlines, as exact as the Life or Nature 1732   show text General Works

Anonymous / Zedler, Johann Heinrich (Ed.) Camera obscura 1733   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Anonymous Draft 1734   show text General Works

Camera Obscura/ Applications

Anonymous [On the Camera Obscura]. In: Draft 1734   show text General Works

Camera Obscura/ Applications

Smith, Robert Optical machines for making pictures of objects; and their uses in drawing 1738   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Leupold, Jacob Von Copierung der Figuren 1739   show text Miscellaneous

Leupold, Jacob Vom Feldmeßen 1739   show text Topography

Martin, Benjamin Of the Camera Obscura, or darkened Chamber, and the Instruments pertaining thereto; by which Means the Images, or Pictures of external Objects, are curiously painted in their natural Colours and Motions. In: Idem: Of Dioptric Instruments and Machines (Part III) 1740   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Anonymous / Zedler, Johann Heinrich (Ed.) Spiegel-Kasten (Camera Catoptrica) 1743   show text Miscellaneous

Anonymous / Zedler, Johann Heinrich (Ed.) Storch-Schnabel (Pantographum/Parallelolgrammum delineatorium) 1744   show text Miscellaneous

Anonymous Einen Reisewagen zu einer Camera obscura einzurichten (44tes Stück) 1753   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's Description & usage de la chambre obscure pour le Dessein. Par M.G.J.'sGravesande 1755   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Smith, Robert Optische Werkzeuge, die Bilder von Gegenständen machen, und ihr Gebrauch zum Abzeichnen. [On the Camera Obscura] 1755   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Dollond, John [On the Reliability of Glasses]. In: Idem: An Account of some Experiments concerning the different Refrangibility of Light. With a Letter from James Short, M.A. F.R.S. Acad. Reg. Suec. Soc. (No. XCVIII) 1758   show text Miscellaneous

Penther, Johann Friedrich Von der Ausmessung mit der Mensul 1761   show text Topography

Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius Nachlese seiner mikroskopischen Gemüths- und Augen-Ergötzung 1762   show text Microscopy/ Others

Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius Nachlese seiner mikroskopischen Gemüths- und Augen-Ergötzung 1762   show text Microscopy/ Others

Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius [On the Camera Obscura and the solar microscope] 1762   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Microscopy/ Others

Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius [On the Camera Obscrua and the solar microscope] 1762   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Microscopy/ Others

Algarotti, Francesco Dell'uso della camera ottica 1763   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Martin, Benjamin Dialogue X. Of the genuine Construction of Reflecting Telescopes, and also of a new proportional Camera Obscura. 1763   show text General Works

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Claude Glass

Croker, Temple Henry/ Williams, Thomas/ Clark, Samuel [On the camera obscura] 1764   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Brander, Georg Friderich Polymetroscopium Dioptricum oder Beschreibung eines optischen Instrumentes 1764   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications


Bion, Nicolas Nicolaus Bions berühmten französischen Mathematikers Neueröfnete mathematische Werkschule oder gründliche Anweisung wie die mathematische Instrumenten nicht allein schiklich und recht zu gebrauchen, sondern auch auf die beste und accurateste Art zu verfertigen, zu probiren und allzeit in gutem Stande zu erhalten sind 1765   show text Miscellaneous

Adams, George A Catalogue of Mathematical, Philosophical and Optical Instruments 1766   show text Sales Catalogues

Brander, Georg Friderich Kurze Beschreibung einer ganz neuen Art einer Camera Obscurae ingleichen eines Sonnen Microscops welches man bequem aller Orten hinstellen und ohne Verfinsterung des Zimmers gebrauchen kann womit auch allerley Objekte auf eine sehr leichte Art in einer selbst beliebigen Größe gekennzeichnet und aufgerissen werden können 1769   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Microscopy/ Others

Nollet, Jean-Antoine [on the portable camera obscura]. In: Idem: Sur Les Expériences 1770   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Anonymous Camera Obscura 1771   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Boyle, Robert [On the Camera Obscura]. In: Idem: Of the Systematical or Cosmical. Qualities of Things 1772   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Brander, Georg Friderich Der neue geometrische Universalmesstisch nach seiner Zusammensetzung und nach seinem Gebrauch 1772   show text Topography

Priestley, Joseph [On the Camera Obscura] 1772   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Priestley, Joseph Improvements in Optical Instruments 1772   show text General Works

Sprengel, P. R. [On the Camera Obscura] 1773   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Lambert, Johann Heinrich [Measurements with the Camera Obscura]. In: Exposé de quelques Observations physiques. (I. Sur la hauteur des éclairs. II. Sur la hauteur et la vitesse des nuées. III. Sur la lumière de la Lune qu'on nomme cendrée.) 1773   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Lambert, Johann Heinrich Anmerkungen und Zusaetze zum zehnten Paragraphen 1774   show text Perspective

Harris, Joseph [On the Camera Obscura] 1775   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Brander, Georg Friderich Kurze Beschreibung der neu abgeänderten und mit mehreren Zusätzen versehenen Camera Obscura nebst einem Unterricht, wie man sich derselben bedienen soll als eine Zugabe zu der 1769 herausgegebenen Beschreibung einer Camera Obscura 1775   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Robertson, John A treatise of such mathematical instruments, as are usually put into a portable case: containing their various uses in arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, architecture, surveying 1775 3 show text Miscellaneous

Nollet, Jean-Antoine Lecons de physique experimentale 1777 6 show text General Works

Nollet, Jean-Antoine [on the camera obscura] 1777 6 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Walepole, Horace [On the Royal Delineator]. In: CCCCXXIII. The Delineator. To the Rev. William Mason, Strawberry Hill, Sept. 21 , 1777 1777   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Walpole, Horace The Delineator. [Letter] To the Rev. William Mason, Strawberry Hill, Sept. 21 , 1777 1777   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Hoffmann, Johann Leonhard Anweisung zu Verfertigung und Gebrauch des allgemeinen Zeichen-Instruments ohne Gläser: mittelst deßen jeder, auch der Zeichen-Kunst unerfahrner, ohne weitern Unterricht, nach der Natur alles geschwind und pünctlich zu zeichnen vermag 1780   show text Miscellaneous

Brander, Georg Friderich Verzeichnis von Instrumenten zur praktischen Geometrie, Astronomie und Naturlehre, welche in dem Branderischen Laboratorio ausgefertigt werden, als auch fertig zu haben sind 1780   show text Topography

Reynolds, Joshua Letter to Edmund Burke. Hague, August 14, 1781 1781   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Adams, George Adam’s Catalogue of Instruments etc. 1782 5 show text Sales Catalogues


Hooper, William To draw, easily and correctly, a landscape or any other object, without being obliged to observe the rules of perspective, and without the aid of the camera obscura (Recreation XLVI) 1782 2 show text Miscellaneous

Hooper, William The portable camera obscura (Recreation VIII) 1782 2 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Hooper, William [On the Camera Obscura] (Recreation V-VII) 1782 2 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Rost, C. C. H. Anzeiger aller Kunstwerke der Rostischen Kunsthandlung zu Leipzig. Erste Abtheilung 1786   show text Sales Catalogues

Bruce, James Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 1790   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Adams, George A Catalogue of Mathemematical and Philosophical Instruments 1795   show text Sales Catalogues


Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri Du Panorama 1800   show text Miscellaneous

Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri [On the Camera Obscura] In: De la chambre noire pour la couleur 1800   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri [On the Claude Glass] De la chambre noire pour la couleur 1800   show text Claude Glass

Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri De la chambre noire 1800   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Reynolds, Joshua [On the Camera Obscura]. In: Idem: Discourse XIII. 1801   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu De la table à dessiner et du siège. 1803   show text Topography

Adams, George Of Instruments for Drawing in Perspective 1803 3 show text Topography

Adams, George Of the Common Plain Table 1803 3 show text Topography

Adams, George Of Surveying 1803 3 show text Topography

Bestelmeier, Georg Hieronimus Camera Obscura (No. 79) 1803   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Sales Catalogues

Bestelmeier, Georg Hieronimus Ovaler spiegel, schwarz gebeizt 1803   show text Claude Glass

Sales Catalogues

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu De la planche à coller les Dessins. 1803   show text Topography

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu De la glace à calquer. 1803   show text Topography

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu Du tiratore. 1803   show text Topography

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu Des Cartes topographiques et des accessoires de paysages qui accompagnent les Places de guerre. 1803   show text Topography

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu Manière d'exprimer et de dessiner les diverses parties d'une place, et les accessoires qui l'accompagnent ou l'environnent. 1803   show text Topography

Sterne, Laurence [on the Camera Obscura]. In Idem: The life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gent, Vol. I 1803   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Nathe, Christoph Brief von Christoph Nathe an Adolf von Gersdorf, 14. Feb. 1803 1803   show text Miscellaneous

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu Manière d'exprimer et de dessiner les diverses parties d'une place, et les accessoires qui l'accompagnent ou l'environnent/ Des Cartes topographiques et des accessoires de Paysage qui accompagnent les Places de guerre. 1803   show text General Works

Delagardette, Claude Mathieu De la table à dessiner et du siège/ De la glace à calquer/ De la planche à coller les Dessins/ Du tiratore 1803   show text General Works

Ferguson, James The Theory of Perspective 1803   show text General Works

Ferguson, James The Description of a Machine, by which any Person may delineate the true Perspective Figures of Objects, without having learned any of the preceding Rules 1803   show text General Works

Imison, John Camera obscura 1803      

Schienert, F. Die Situationszeichnung für Soldaten. Mit dreizehn Kupfertafeln und einem Modell von Gips 1805   show text Topography

Eberlein, C. Von der Gruppirung und dem Zeichnen nach der Natur 1806   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Eberlein, C. Von der Gruppirung und dem Zeichnen nach der Natur 1806   show text Claude Glass

Wollaston, William Hyde Description de l'appareil appelé Camera Lucida 1807   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Wollaston, William Hyde Specification of the Patent granted to William Hyde Wollaston, of the Parish of St. Mary-le-Bone, in the County of Middlesex, Gentlemen; for an Instrument whereby any Person may draw in Perspective, or may copy or reduce any Print or Drawing. Dated December 4, 1806. 1807   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Wollaston, William Hyde Description of the Camera Lucida 1807   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Wollaston, William Hyde Description of the Camera Lucida 1807      

Sheldrake, T. On the Camera Lucida (Letter) 1809   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Bate, Robert Brettel On the camera lucida. Letter 1809   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Sheldrake, T. On the Use of the Camera Lucida as a Substitute for the Camera Obscura (Letter) 1810   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Bate, Robert Brettel On the Camera lucida, etc. Considérations sur la Camera Lucida du Dr. Wollaston 1810   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Schöps, Joseph Beschreibung und Erklärung eines neu erfundenen Graphoskop 1811   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Lüdicke, M. Beschreibung einer veraenderten Camera Lucida 1812   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Hornor, T. Description of an Improved Method of Delineating Estates with a Sketch of the Progress of Landscape Gardening in England. And Opinions on the Picturesque Effects attempted in Rural Ornament. 1813   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Beer, Georg Joseph Das Auge oder Versuch, das edle Geschenk der Schöpfung vor dem verderblichen Einfluss unseres Zeitalters zu sichern 1813   show text General Works

Barlow, Peter [on the Camera Lucida and Camera Obscura] 1814   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Chevallier, Jean-Gabriel-Auguste Le conservateur de la vue 1815   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Horner, W. G. New and important combinations with the camera lucida 1815   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Anonymous Maschine zum Zeichnen 1816   show text Miscellaneous

Rees, Abraham [On the Camera Obscura] 1819   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Amici, Giovanni Battista Sopra le camere lucide 1819   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Dollond, George The description and use of the Mathematical Drawing Instruments; and of the lines on the Plane Scale, the Sector, the Proportional Compasses; and the Gunner’s Callipers; ... 1819   show text Sales Catalogues


Brewster, David On the Application of the Kaleidoscope to the Fine and Useful Arts 1819   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Amici, Giovanni Battista [Text of the instructions accompanying the Camera Lucida sold by Amici in 1819] Alcuni Avvertimenti per adoperare la Camera Lucida costruita nel laboratorio del Professore Gio: Battista Amici di Modena 1819   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Rees, Abraham [on the Camera Lucida] 1819   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Amici, Giovanni Battista Account of an Improved Catoptrical Microscope 1820   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Amici, Giovanni Battista De' Microscopi Catadiottrici 1820   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Waddell, Alexander Account of a New Optical Instrument, which combines the properties of a Compound Microscope, Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida, and Diagonal Mirror 1821   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Applications



Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Microscopy/ Others

Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas von Ueber das feinste Gefaeßnetz der Aderhaut im Augapfel. Vorgelesen den 9. Mai 1818 1821   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Soemmerring, Wilhelm Beschreibung eines Spiegelchens als Hülfsmittel zum Zeichnen, sowohl mit bloßem Auge als durch's Fernrohr oder Mikroskop gesehener Gegenstände 1822   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Nicholson, Francis The practice of drawing and painting landscape and nature 1823   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications


Stothard, Charles Alfred Letter to George Cumberland, Portugal, from London 1810 1823   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Wollaston, William Hyde Part of Wollaston's letter to George Coventry, dated monday 25 August 1823 1823   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Brewster, David Prof. Amici's improved camera lucida 1825      

Farrar, John Camera Lucida 1826   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Farrar, John Camera Obscura 1826   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Boucher, C.A. Panotrace, Ou instrument propre à dessiner des panoramas 1827   show text Miscellaneous

De Roos, Frederick Fitzgerald Personal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada in 1826. Illustrated by Plates. With Remarks on the Present State of the American Navy 1827   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Ficinus, Heinrich Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida 1828   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Ficinus, Heinrich Optik oder Versuch eines folgerechten Umrisses der gesammten Lehre vom Licht, wie sie dem gegenwärtigen Stande unsrer physiologischen und physikalischen Kenntnisse angemessen ist 1828   show text General Works

Ficinus, Heinrich Das Prisma 1828   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Montabert, Jaques Nicolas Paillot de Des Miroirs, De la Chambre Obscure, etc. 1829   show text Claude Glass

Montabert, Jaques Nicolas Paillot de Des Miroirs, De la Chambre Obscure, etc. 1829   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Montabert, Jaques Nicolas Paillot de Des Miroirs, De la Chambre Obscure, etc. 1829   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Hall, Basil Forty Etchings: from sketches made with the camera lucida in North America in 1827 and 1828 1829   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Anonymous The camera lucida 1830   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Brewster, David Camera Lucida 1830   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Dollond, George The Camera Lucida. An Instrument for Drawing in true Perspective, and for Copying, Reducing, or Enlarging other Drawings 1830   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Hall, Basil Appendix on the use of the Camera Lucida. 1830 3 show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy 1830   show text General Works

Humphrys, Charles Der Eidograph, eine neuerlich in Schottland erfundene Copirmaschine 1831   show text Miscellaneous

Humphrys, Charles Camera lucida, als Stellvertreter des Storchschnabels 1831   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Humphrys, Charles Instrument zur Verfertigung perspectivischer Zeichnungen 1831   show text Perspective

West, Francis A Description of the Camera Lucida for Drawing in True Perspective, the Invention of Dr. Wollaston with Full Directions how to Use and how to Choose a Good Instrument, and the Defects to which Bad Ones are Liable. With the Observations of Captain Basil Hall & c. 1831   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Whewell, William Review of John Herschel's "A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy", 1830 (Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia) 1831   show text General Works

Humphrys, Charles Francis Ronalds Apparat, um nach der Natur zu zeichnen 1831   show text Miscellaneous

Simms, Frederick W. and Throughton Catalogue of Instruments 1831   show text Sales Catalogues

Humphrys, Charles Der englische Zeichenmeister. Oder die neuesten Methoden, Erfindungen und Verbesserungen im Zeichnen, Tuschiren, Colorieren, Malen und Farbenbereiten, ... Ein nützliches Handbüchlein für angehende und geübtere Zeichner. Mit deutschen Zusätzen und Bemerkungen vermehrt von Aug. Müller, praktischem Zeichenlehrer 1831   show text General Works

Dollond, George A Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments 1831   show text Sales Catalogues

Arnold, Johann A. F. Ueber des verstorb. Wollaston Doppelmikroskop 1833   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Arnold, Johann A. F. Wollaston's Camera Lucida und Corn. Varley's Zeichnungs-Teleskop 1833   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Arnold, Johann A. F. Amici's Mikroskope 1833   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Chevalier, Vincent Notice sur l’usage de la Chambre Claire (Camera Lucida) 1834   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Bauer, Francis On making Drawings of Microscopic Subjects (in a letter to Andrew Pritchard, Nov. 1836) 1836   show text General Works

Microscopy/ Others

Anonymous Optique - Chambre Claire 1837   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Wheatstone, Charles Contributions to the Physiology of Vision. Part the First. On Some Remarkable, and Hitherto Unobserved, Phenomena of Binocular Vision 1838   show text Miscellaneous

Chevalier, Charles Conseils aux artistes et aux amateurs, sur l'application de la chambre claire (camera lucida) à l'art du dessin, ou Instruction théoretique et pratique sur cet instrument, ses différents formes et son utilité dans les arts et les sciences 1838   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Chevalier, Charles Die Camera lucida. Eine gründliche Anweisung für Künstler und Liebhaber der Zeichenkunst über den Gebrauch dieses neuen optischen Instruments, das jetzt in Frankreich vielfach angewendet wird 1839   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé Description des procédés de peinture et d'Éclairage 1839   show text Miscellaneous

Hall, Basil and Augustin Creuze Drawing and Description of the Capstan lately Recovered from the Royal George 1839   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Davy, Sir Humphrey, Bart. Parallels between Art and Science 1840 7 show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Anonymous Wollaston's Camera Lucida, Amici's Ditto, and Alexander's Graphic Mirror 1840   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Ohnesorgen, Freimund Camera Lucida. Eine Gallerie humoristisch-satyrischer Reflex-Bilder im Novelletten-Rahmen 1841   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Eckersberg, C. W. Linearperspectiven, anvendt paa Malerkunsten, en Raekke af perspectiviske Studier, 11 Blade i Folio med Text 1841   show text Perspective

Leyser, Ernst von Erläuternde Worte zu der Camera clara dioptrica; erfunden von Baron Ernst v. Leyser 1842   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Humboldt, Alexander von Kosmos: Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung 1844   show text General Works

Hertel, A. W. Das Zeichnen nach der Natur/ Von den verschiedenen Verfahren beim Copiren einer Landschaft 1844   show text General Works

Camera Lucida/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Applications


Varley, Cornelius Graphic Telescope 1845   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Varley, Cornelius A Treatise on Optical Drawing Instruments. Also: A Method of Preserving Pictures on Oil and in Water Colours 1845   show text General Works

Shuttleworth, M. H. Inventions for Sketching Objects in Correct Perspective 1845   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Applications

Varley, Cornelius Camera Lucida 1845   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Varley, Cornelius Camera Obscura 1845   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Mohl, Hugo von Das Zeichnen mikroskopischer Objekte 1846   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Kerner, Justinus Die Rakete auf dem Küchenheerde 1849   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Simms, Frederick W. The Plane Table 1849 7 show text Topography

Simms, Frederick W. The Prismatic Compass 1849 7 show text Topography

Masson, A. Études de Photométrie Électrique. De la Nature de l'Étincelle Électrique et de sa Cause (On the Camera Lucida see esp. No. 120, 121 and 122) 1851   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Hasted, Henry Reminiscences of Dr. Wollaston. [Read Dec. 20, 1849]. 1853   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Coles, Henry On the use of the Camera lucida as a Micrometer 1854   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Riddell, John Leonard Match Photographs, or Camera Lucida drawings of Microscopic Objects for the Stereoscope, made by means of the ordinary Monocular MIcroscope 1854   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Lardner, Dionysius The Camera Lucida 1855   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Pike's Improved Theodolite 1856 2 show text Topography

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Claude Lorraine Mirror 1856 2 show text Claude Glass

Pike, Benjamin Jr. The Optical Diagonal Machine 1856 2 show text Perspective

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Pike's Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, manufactured, imported, and sold by the author, with the prices affixed at which they are offered in 1856. With upwards of 750 Engravings. 1856 2 show text Sales Catalogues

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Claude Lorraine Glass 1856 2 show text Miscellaneous

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Pike's Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, manufactured, imported, and sold by the author, with the prices affixed at which they are offered in 1856. With upwards of 750 Engravings 1856 2 show text Sales Catalogues

Pike, Benjamin Jr. The Plane Table 1856 2 show text Topography

Brewster, David The stereoscope. Its history, theory, and construction: with its application to the fine and useful arts and to education 1856   show text Miscellaneous

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Claude Black Glass Mirror 1856 2 show text Claude Glass

Pike, Benjamin Jr. The Portable Camera Obscura 1856 2 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Camera Lucida 1856 2 show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Pike, Benjamin Jr. The Camera Lucida 1856 2 show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Pike, Benjamin Jr. Models of the Eye 1856 2 show text Miscellaneous

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William Humboldt's Kosmos, from the Edinburgh Review for January, 1848 1857   show text General Works

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William Prose and Verse 1857   show text General Works

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William The Walk, from the German of Schiller 1857   show text General Works

Queen, James W. /Fox, Samuel L. Illustrated Catalogue of mathematical, optical and philosophical instruments and school apparatus 1859   show text Sales Catalogues

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William A Manual of Scientific Enquiry. Prepared for he Use of Officers in her Majesty's Navy; and Travellers in General 1859 3 show text Topography

Herschel, John Frederick William General List of all my Drawings and Sketches. Made in July 1861. 1861   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Ganot, Adolphe Instruments d'Optique 1862 10 show text Miscellaneous

Ganot, Adolphe Chambre Claire (no. 484) 1862 10 show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Ganot, Adolphe Chambre Obscure (no. 483) 1862 10 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Carlini, Francesco Intorno ad un piano di meteorologia ed all’applicazione della camera lucida al cannocchiale per ottenere dei panorami di monti in grande scala e della maggiore esattezza, con figura. Lettera inedita del commendatore Francesco Carlini al professore Francesco Zantedeschi, con nota (dello stesso). Milano, 9 August 1856 1863   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Zantedeschi, Francesco La camera lucida applicata alla fotografia de prototipi del mondo esteriore 1863   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Zantedeschi, Francesco Osservazioni scientifico-accademiche 1864   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Stanley, William Ford Instruments Intended to Facilitate the Delineation of Natural Objects, Buildings, etc. - Camera Lucida - Optical Compasses, etc. 1866   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Nägeli, Carl Wilhelm, Schwendener, S. Das Zeichnen mikroskopischer Objecte 1867   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Marion, Fulgence Chambre obscure et chambre claire (IX). In: Magie naturelle ou optique amusante 1867   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Guillemin, Amédée Réfraction de la lumière. Prismes et lentilles. [On the Camera Obscura] 1868   show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Vecchi, Stanislao Una Nuova Camera Chiara 1868   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Bauernfeind, Carl Maximilian Über eine Eigenschaft des Prismas der Camera lucida 1868   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Le Teleiconographe 1868-1869   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Suffolk, W. T. On Some of the Means of Delineating Microscopic Objects [Abstract]. Read January 22nd, 1869 1869   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Deschanel, Augustin Privat Chambre Claire (No. 727; Principle of the Camera Lucida) 1869   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Deschanel, Augustin Privat Réfraction à travers un prisme (No. 730) 1869   show text Miscellaneous

Deschanel, Augustin Privat Chambre Noire (No. 748; Tent-Camera Obscura) 1869   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Deschanel, Augustin Privat Chambre Noire des photographes (No. 749) 1869   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Deschanel, Augustin Privat Vision binoculaire - Stéréoscope (No. 777) 1869   show text Miscellaneous

Deschanel, Augustin Privat Chambre Noire (No. 683; Principle of the Camera Obscura) 1869   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Figuier, Louis Le Stereoscope 1869   show text Miscellaneous

Zantedeschi, Francesco Della camera lucida di Wollaston 1869-70   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Heather, John Fry The Eidograph 1870 Enlarged, for the most part entirely re-written show text Miscellaneous

Heather, John Fry Accessories of the Microscope: the Camera Lucida 1870 Enlarged edition, for the most part entirely re-written show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Heather, John Fry The Pantagraph 1870 Enlarged, for the most part entirely re-written show text Miscellaneous

Heather, John Fry Prisms: the Camera Lucida 1870 Enlarged, for the most part entirely re-written show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Humboldt, Alexander von Ansichten der Natur: mit wissenschaftlichen Erläuterungen 1871   show text General Works

Henke, W. Orthograph 1871   show text Miscellaneous

Henke, (Philipp Jakob) W. Camera Lucida - Prinzip 1871   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Henke, (Philipp Jakob) Wilhelm Zeichnen und Sehen 1871   show text General Works

Lyell, Charles Principles of geology: or the modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants; considered as illustrative of geology 1872   show text General Works

Atkinson, Edmund Camera Obscura (No. 376-378) 1875 2 show text Camera Obscura/ Discussions

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Introduction 1876   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications


Sorby, H. C. Mikroskope 1876   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Spottiswoode, W. Licht. I. - Optische Instrumente 1876   show text Miscellaneous

Playfair, Robert Lambert Introduction 1877   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Zöllner, Julius Spiegel und Spiegelapparate 1877 7 show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Nachet, Jean Alfred Nouvelle chambre claire 1882   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Anonymous Abbe's Camera Lucida 1883   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Piersol, G.A. Drawings v. photographs (also screen for the Abbe Camera Lucida) 1888   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Govi, G. Memorie e Note di Soci o Presentate da Soci. Fisica-Ottica. Intorno a una nuova Camera-lucida 1889   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Carpenter, William B. The Camera Lucida and its Uses 1891 7 show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Heath, Vernon Vernon Heath's Recollections 1892   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [An Englishman using the Camera Obscura] 1892   show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Piffard, Henry G. The camera obscura v. the camera lucida 1892   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Luegers, Otto Camera obscura 1893   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Luegers, Otto Camera lucida 1893   show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Czapski, Dr. S. Über einen Zeichenapparat und die Construction von Zeichenapparaten im allgemeinen 1894   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Thomas, Berta Camera Lucida or Strange Passages in Common Life 1897   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Anonymous Camera Obscura 1898 14 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Anonymous Camera Lucida 1898 14 show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Leiss, Carl Spektralocular nach Abbe (No. 126) 1899   show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Hareux, Ernest Le Miroir Noir 1901 1 show text Claude Glass

Hareux, Ernest La Chambre Claire 1901 1 show text Camera Lucida/ Applications

Hareux, Ernest Le chambre noire ou chambre obscure 1901 1 show text Camera Obscura/ Applications

Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Gray, Thomas Journal in the Lakes (1769) 1902 Revised Edition show text Claude Glass

Anonymous Camera lucida 1906 6 show text Camera Lucida/ Descriptions

Vasari, Giorgio [on Leon Battista Alberti's "Velum"]. In: Vita di Leon Battista Alberti 1906   show text Perspective

Anonymous Camera obscura 1906 6 show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Green, Captain A.F.U. Introductory, Conclusion 1908   show text Topography

Anonymous Stereoskop 1909   show text Miscellaneous

Waterhouse, J. Robert Boyle's portable camera obscura 1909   show text Camera Obscura/ Descriptions

Coghill, Will H./J. P. Bonardi Approximate quantitative microscopy of pulverized ores. Including the use of the camera lucida 1919   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Zeiss, Carl Projektionszeichenapparat 1931   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Zeiss, Carl Zeichenprisma, Zeichenapparate nach Abbe. Zeichenapparat nach Abbe und Zeichentisch nach Bernhard 1931   show text Sales Catalogues

Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Zeiss, Carl Zeichenapparat für horizontale Beobachtungsinstrumente 1931   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Lambert, Johann Heinrich Anlage zur Perspektive (1752) 1943   show text Perspective

Macior, Lazarus Walter The tetrakaidecahedron and related cell forms in undifferentiated plant tissues 1960   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Forer, Arthur A camera-lucida procedure for low-contrast material 1968   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Pflüger, Hans-Joachim et al. The Central Nervous Organization of the Motor Neurones to a Steering Muscle in Locusts 1986   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Pflüger, Hans-Joachim/ Bräunig, P./ Hustert, R. The Organization of Mechanosensory Neuropiles in Locust Thoracic Ganglia 1988   show text Microscopy/ Camera Lucida in Microscopy

Canal, Antonio (named Canaletto) [Sketchbook] 1997      

Anonymous Utility of the Camera Lucida 25 July 1829   show text Camera Lucida/ Discussions

Voigtländer, ... Verzeichnis der optischen Instrumente, welche von Voigtländer und Sohn, Optiker & Mechaniker in Wien für nachstehende Preise verfertigt werden o.J.   show text Sales Catalogues